Preliminary Research and Summation #1



  • wealth is much more unequally distributed than labor earnings and income
  • The lower on the ladder people are the more likely to experience diminished economic opportunity and mobility.
  • Lower class communities are unable to have the same reliable access to resources.
  • Rich stay rich while poor stay poor.

Keywords – Inequality, Saving, Wealth


Why are some people wealthy while others are poor? Wealth and pay inequality has been an issue for a long time but why? Over the years the reasons why people are rich or poor have changed but no matter the reasons people put, wealth is still distributed unequally. Today, many people believe that the people that are rich had more advantages in life rather than having a good work ethic. 


De Nardi, M., & Fella, G. (2017). Saving and wealth inequality. Review of Economic Dynamics, 26, 280–300.

Destruction of nature


  • It is deluded that we can defend the living world through the mindset that’s destroying it.
  • The natural capital agenda reinforces the notion that nature has no value unless you can extract cash from it.
  • We have already significantly altered three-quarters of all land and two-thirds of the oceans. 
  • Everything humans have needed to survive, and thrive, was provided by the natural world around us. 

Keywords – Nature, Destruction, Protect, Natural Capital, Beauty


Some people believe that the only reason nature exists is to serve us. That there is great value we can extract from it and that this value can be measured in terms of cash. That the things that can not be measured do not matter but that mindset could prove to be lethal to life on earth. Nature is important. Our forests, rivers, oceans and soils provide us with the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. It can also be very beneficial to our health, happiness and prosperity. Yet, we as humans are responsible for most of its destruction. 


Halt destruction of nature or suffer even worse pandemics, say world’s top scientists; Exclusive: only one species is responsible for coronavirus — humans — say world’s leading wildlife expertsCoronavirus — latest updatesSee all our coronavirus coverage. (2020, April 27). Guardian [London, England], NA. 

How to accelerate the destruction of nature: put a price on it; Defining Earth’s resources as ‘natural capital’ is morally wrong, intellectually vacuous, and most of all counter-productive. (2018, May 15). Guardian [London, England]. 

The destruction of nature just shows how far we have fallen; moral matters. (2018, May 9). Daily Mail [London, England], 14.

Skip intro (why opening credits don’t often receive the credit they deserve)


  • Title sequences tingle the senses and trigger a sense of anticipation for what’s to come.
  • Can induce a profound feeling of nostalgia.
  • Skip intro feature means viewers can proceed past them without a thought.
  • The audience’s attention span is becoming shorter.

Keywords – Title sequences, Skip, Television, Movies, Overlooked


While title sequences have often been under-appreciated or even unnoticed by audiences, the addition of the skip intro button has made it possible to ignore it all together. The audience’s attention span is getting shorter and with title sequences staying the same every episode makes it easier for the audience to lose interest. The old feelings of nostalgia from classic TV shows have seemed to come and go. Now the ability to capture the audience’s attention in the title sequences have become tougher as they try to trigger a sense of anticipation of what’s to come. 


Requiem for a theme – why TV shows are stopping the music; The ‘skip intro’ feature on services like Netflix is damaging a TV tradition, says Michael Hogan. (2020, July 12). Sunday Telegraph [London, England], 25.

Tired of the politics? A new Netflix feature lets you skip it. (2019, November 6). Telegraph Online, NA.

Social Media Envy


  • Tourists are able to share travel-related information, personal experiences, and opinions by text comments, photographs, and videos on social media during or after a trip.
  • play an important role in shaping tourists’ awareness, expectations, perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. 
  • The younger generations like millennials tend to rely on social media for information searching and decision-making. They are also more likely to feel envy when exposed to peers’ social media posts. 
  • Social comparison theory – people have an intrinsic need to compare themselves with others for the purpose of self evaluation. This can lead to a negative affect, like envy, diminished self-evaluation, decreased subjective well-being, and even depression.

Keywords – Social Media, Travel, Experience, Aspirational, Envy, Photography, Travel Experience Sharing


All too often people use social media to share their travel experiences. It has been studied that this sharing of travel experiences has played a vital role in the tourist industry but these posts can be biased only showing the good. This has led to a problem of social media envy. When going on social media people tend to compare their life to the lives of their friends known as Social comparison theory. This can have different effects, it either inspires them to stay motivated and improve their positive sense of self or it can cause envy and even depression because they think they will never be able to afford or do the things their friends are. 


Liu, H., Wu, L., & Li, X. (Robert). (2019). Social Media Envy: How Experience Sharing on Social Networking Sites Drives Millennials’ Aspirational Tourism Consumption. Journal of Travel Research, 58(3), 355–369.

Fake News


  • Facebook said it only took down posts it deemed could lead to “imminent physical harm”
  • “Fake news” has also been flagged for fuelling propaganda and “hate speech” and even violence.
  • What is it? – information that has been deliberately fabricated and disseminated with the intention to deceive and mislead others into believing falsehoods or doubting verifiable facts. 
  • Disinformation that is presented as, or is likely to be perceived as, news.

Keywords – Fake, Media, News, Lies, Journalism 


As digital media platforms continue to rise, so does the concept of fake news. As it takes over the world’s political and news databases it becomes harder to figure out what is made up and what is the truth. News plays an important role in our society as many still depend on it to get their information about what is going on in the world. It can even inform peoples opinions. That is why fake news is so dangerous, it misinforms the public. There is no shortage of emotively-charged terms to describe, question and refute the truthfulness of content made for digital media platforms. It is not going to go away in a hurry. It is very much a live issue that is not about the term but the concern behind it.  


McGonagle, T. (2017). “Fake news”: False fears or real concerns? Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 35(4), 203–209.

Millions of fake news posts still on Facebook; Social media. (2020, April 17). Daily Telegraph [London, England], 5.

Equal pay sports 


  • Principle of equal pay for equal work.
  • Sport’s popularity amongst spectators is on the rise, with the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup setting new records for spectator numbers. 
  • The pay gap is especially wide in soccer compared to other sports.
  • It is so bad that they have filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against the United States Soccer Federation. 

Keywords – Equal pay, Women, Equal play, sports inequality, Equality


There has always been a wage gap between men and womens pay. Over time that gap has gotten smaller and smaller but it is still there. One of the biggest differences when it comes to pay between men and women is when it comes to sports. Women’s soccer for example gets paid way less than their male counterparts. The US women’s national team has proven over and over again that they are one of the top teams in the world winning their fourth world cup just last summer yet they only received $4 million for winning. On the other hand, just one year before France took home $38 million for lifting the men’s trophy in Russia. The issue of pay inequality in sports is of course not just soccer’s problem. Women across all sports are paid less, and many have fought for equity in salary and in prize money.


Archer, A., & Prange, M. (2019). ‘Equal play, equal pay’: Moral grounds for equal pay in football. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 46(3), 416–436.

Das, A. (2020, March 9). On Field, U.S. Women Keep Winning. Off It, an Equal Pay Victory Seems Far Away. The New York Times, D8(L), D8(L). 

Jessani, A. (2018). Shooting for Equality: An Analysis of the Market Force Defense As Applied to the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team’s Equal Pay Claim. Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy, 25(2), 221-. 

Wildlife conservation 


  • Forty per cent of amphibians and a third of coral species, sharks and marine mammals look to go extinct sometime soon. 
  • “Ecosystems, species, wild populations, local varieties and breeds of domesticated plants and animals are shrinking, deteriorating or vanishing.”
  • Research published in September warns that more than half of the world’s orca populations could disappear within 50 years.
  • The greatest threat to wildlife is deforestation, loss of habitat and hunting.
  • The tropics lost about 61,000 square miles of forest in 2017.

Keywords – Wildlife, deforestation, conservation, ecosystems, environmental campaigners


Forests cover more than 30% of the earth’s land surface and it is estimated that about 3.9 million square miles of forest have been lost since the beginning of the 20th century. It does not stop there, the forest plays a critical role in our lives and the wildlife that call them home yet it is said that every second, a chunk of forest equivalent to the size of a soccer field is lost. They are home to 80% of terrestrial biodiversity, containing a wide array of trees, plants, and animals. Wildlife conservation starts with habitat conservation and those habitats are oceans and forests. As these habitats are stunningly beautiful, they are also vital for the health of our planet. 


Liu, P., Link to external site,  this link will open in a new window, Wen, H., Harich, F. K., He, C., Wang, L., Guo, X., Zhao, J., Luo, A., Yang, H., Sun, X., Yang, Y., Zheng, S., Guo, J., Li, L., & Zhang, L. (2017). Conflict between conservation and development: Cash forest encroachment in Asian elephant distributions. Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group); London, 7, 1–10. 

We’re destroying our oceans – We must turn tide on seas’ destruction. (2018, November 21). [All Ireland]. 

World Wildlife Day: A greater threat to wildlife is deforestation, habitat loss. (2019, March 4). Regional Times (Karachi, Pakistan), 12(62). Gale OneFile: News.

Reality Is Broken


  • researcher bias had played a part in the different results
  • there is no link, scientists have said, between violence in video games and violence in real life.
  • video games have served as a source of moral panic and a convenient scapegoat for acts of spectacular violence.

Keywords – Violence, Behavioral science, video games, blame, bias


The saying that video games cause violent behaviors has been used for an excuse to describe the cause of violent behavior for awhile now but scientists now say there is no link. The news and media just end up looking for something to blame without admitting that violence could just be a human behavior. It’s easy to point out how plenty of people play games and don’t commit violence. The book reality is broken is all about how video games can actually make us better and how they changed the world. It is all too often that they are blamed for violent behavior, as a scapegoat, rather than the good they can do.


Kocurek, C. A. (2019, August 9). Why we scapegoat video games for mass violence and why it’s a mistake. Washington Post. 

McGonigal, J. (2011). Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world (Updat ed.). New York: Penguin Group. 

Video-game violence doesn’t spill into real life, say scientists. (2019, February 13). Times [London, England], 4.

Cyber security 


  • cyber-security systems pose a serious threat to the privacy of the people protected by those systems.
  • Digital assistants collect expansive information about your habits and lifestyle.
  • More than 2.8 million owned a voice-activated digital assistant by the end of 2016.
  • “Always listening” devices could also be exploited by hackers to access your phone’s microphone and discreetly record your conversations.

Keywords – Security, Eavesdropping, Privacy, Cyber Security


As digital devices continue to improve especially with more integration of voice interfaces, the privacy and security of your personal information is at greater risk. The enormous amount of data gathered by cyber-security systems poses a serious threat to the privacy of the people protected by those systems. Voice interfaces like voice-enabled home assistants may be the biggest risk as it can expose your personal data and conversations to hackers, government agencies, and other third parties. This is because they are always listening so they can answer your questions when called upon. This opens up the opportunity for hackers to eavesdrop on your conversations. While cyber-security systems protect individuals from attacks from hackers and other third-party adversaries, they also create new vulnerabilities for privacy violation from the entity that runs the cyber-security system (Toch et al., 2018).


Toch, E., Bettini, C., Shmueli, E., Radaelli, L., Lanzi, A., Riboni, D., & Lepri, B. (2018). The Privacy Implications of Cyber Security Systems: A Technological Survey. ACM Computing Surveys, 51(2), 36:1–36:27.

Mental health with television consumption 


  • Public health messages can reach large or hard-to-access audiences through popular media formats including primetime television drama series.
  • Scripted programs experienced a more positive mood after viewing than those who viewed reality programs.
  • entertainment television exerts more power than news media in shaping community attitudes towards mental illness.

Keywords – Health, Mental Health, Television, Consumption


There are two ways in which television consumption can affect mental health. On one hand it is said that television can negatively affect one’s mental health while on the other hand it can be used to shed light on mental health and illnesses. This is because young people are least likely to disclose or seek help for mental distress. This makes television and media a great platform to inform people about mental illness. However, there are no simple simple ways of portraying a ‘good’ or ‘positive’ mental distress story.


Henderson, L. (2018). Popular television and public mental health: Creating media entertainment from mental distress. Critical Public Health, 28(1), 106–117. 

Lewis, N. (2018). Forced Exposure vs. Free Choice: An Examination of Exposure Effects in Entertainment Television Consumption. Communication Research Reports, 35(3), 272–281. 

Lewis, N., & Weaver, A. J. (2019). Social comparison-related emotional and enjoyment responses to entertainment television characters. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 27(5), 339–353.

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